DIH Services


“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”(Jhon 10:10). It is one of our main concerns to pay attention to the lost sheep. The sisters are in the front of all the activities of their parishes. In the pastoral ministry sisters animate the family units, conduct home mission, house visits and there by understands spiritual needs of the needy. We are ready to listen to them and above all to pray for them.


Through the healing ministry we are continuing the healing touch of our master.  In healing ministry we are serving the Christ Himself and also our model is our heavenly mother Mary one who served Elizabeth in her needs. Around 10 sisters are doing their service in  hospital, training institutions, priest homes of vijayapuram diocese . Apart from this sisters are extending their service in parishes with free of cost.


It is by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the DIH started the evangelization of kids and teens in the year of consecrated life. The team is formed with a vision to give Jesus to children, teach them to pray, help them to deepen in Christian values. Sisters will conduct three days retreat. It is with favor they joined together and pray for the particular parish and children before the ministry. These retreats are led by the sisters who got training from christen retreat center. Now they already covered sixteen parishes in the diocese of Vijayapuram.


The sisters are considering catechism is one of the prime apostolic work without considering their age or work. Catechism is the most important in faith formation. The sisters are actively participating in all diocesional and parish catechetical programs. And also sisters are doing their services in diocesional catechetical center and training programs.


The sisters are not only imparting knowledge but, by word and example form the children as God’s children and useful members of the society through their educational ministry. We follow the core christian values in our educational ministries.